Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Melbourne Sports Museum Critiques

Salt Lake Winter Olympics 2002 Logo
Unknown designer, 2002
Vector graphic logo

This is the logo used for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. The design is dynamic using diagonal lines to create movement. It also uses symmetry which gives it balance. The orange creates hierarchy over the blue and draws the eye from top to bottom.

The design is primarily shapes made up of geometric lines using strong complimentary colours and is very dynamic. All these elements and principles give the design vibrance and a sense of visual action. Which represents the winter games. It’s good because doesn’t portray the winter games and something too wintery, that being cold and bland.

The style of this logo is could be classed under geometric abstract art and modernism because of it’s geometric shapes and lines and vibrant colours.

The logo is a snow flake which is representaive of the winter period obviously being the time of the winter games. The orange over the blue could represent sun rising over the snowy landscape (the blue).

I think the logo is succesful because of it’s simplicity and while it’s abstact you can still understand what it’s portraying.


Western Bulldogs Jumper
Unknown designer
Vector graphic logo

This is the Western Bulldogs AFL Jumper with logo. The design is symmetrical which creates balance. The strong red line reates a vocal point which draws your eye across the jumper.

The design uses both line a shape to create a simple design. The colours are obviously an important part of the design because must reflect the team's official colours.

The design is reminiscent of modernism because of the heavy use of line and bright primary colours.

The logo represents a bulldog, which is the team's mascot and symbol. I can't really identity any other themes or motifs. The stable design might represent the team's strongness.

I think the design is successful because of it's simplicity and eye catching colours. This works especially well when in a fast paced game such as AFL when visibility might be low.


1 comment:

  1. 8/10

    Good, clear and consice. Well done.

    Ned Culic designed the Bulldogs logo - check it out at: http://www.nedculic.com/#/gallery/65/5
