Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Trends and Designers.

Expression, fun and honesty.

I feel a lot of the graphic design and the conference was about showing the passion and enthusiasm of the designers. Work that is fun and shows a sense of honesty and freedom of expression rather than a straight cut serious image with a specific meaning. Work that pokes fun at what it's advertising and take itself too seriously. Two designers I felt showed this the most in their work was Claudio Kirac and Chris Doyle. 

Claudio Kirac

'Lux Aertena' 2004

Chris Doyle

AGDA Calender 2006

Thomas Shand identity

Vintage and Retro Illustration

Two designers at the conference showed their vintage illustration works. I have noticed this style of work becoming more of a trend in within the world today. The artwork references fashion, colour, shape, technology and the stylisation of people and imagery from different periods of history ranging from the 30's to 60's.

Dean Gorissen

Dean Gorissens's illustrations are heavily influenced from around the 60's and 70's using very stylised characters, shapes and colours reminiscent of that era. 

Stuart McLachlan

Stuart's work is more taken from 20 and 30's poster design using flat colour and and neutral colours.

Images sourced from:

Concept Evaluation.

Christopher Doyle Identity Guidelines 2008

This is a style guide designed by Chris Doyle which uses himself as a person instead of corporate identity or logo. 

I think it has been very well made and an excellent concept. It works well because it pulls off the look of a real style guide. The simple graphics and type and the consistent photography give it a professional style.

The concept itself is very clever. The guide defines Chris as a designer and a person, his style and what he likes and dislikes. The guide represents him and explains who he is. I think this design clearly conveys the concept due to it's simplicity and honesty. 

1 comment:

  1. 13/20

    Good observations. I liked the trend for humor in work too.

    Your writing and reasoning needs to be fleshed out a little more.
